Monday, April 15, 2013

Unit 9 Activity 3

"Collect four portrait images with two to five subjects.In at least one image the subject should have been placed in the foreground.Comment on the arrangement of the subjects in relation to the camera and the effectiveness of the design"

 Photo by Jessica Hilltop

Photo by Sukanto Debnath

 Photo by Brendan Stirton

Photo by Steve McCurry

Group portraits can be very diverse. Multiple subjects can be heavily focused on, or be used as sort of an accent to the main subject. An example of the latter would be the top picture; the main focus is the man in the middle. The people in the background are blurred and don't do much but create an environment for the subject. The second picture also focuses on one child more than the other, but the other child is still important. He adds a feeling of curiosity to the picture. Again, the third picture focuses on the center subject most, but the other two in the image are still important. They all set the mood, along with the background. The final image focuses on both subjects heavily. They both come together to perform a single emotion. If either subject was missing, the picture would lose meaning.

Friday, April 5, 2013

Unit 9 Activity 2

Photo by Bruce Percy
Photo by Bruce Percy

Photo by Brent Stirton

Photo by John Wright

These four images show different ways to frame a subject. The top picture uses natural objects around the subject, the trees, to frame the subject. The second picture uses a door frame to frame the monks, which also creates depth because of the location of each subject. The third image uses drapes and a traditional rug in the background. The designs on the rug creates a frame around the subject and entire picture. The fourth picture has frame created by a wide angle lens, which gives the subject very large depth from his hands to his head. 

Unit 9 Activity 1

Photo by Bruce Percy

Photo by Jessica Hilltout

Photo by Andrzej Dragan

Photo by Brent Stirton

The portraits above portray four very different people. The first is a Nepalese man with bright clothing and makeup. The colors all compliment each other and make him pop. It is very beautiful and is interesting to look into such a bright and unique culture that I, personally, don't see everyday. The second is a picture of a young woman with closed eyes and messy, curly hair. She also has very defined shoulders and bones on her upper chest. She seems very natural with freckles and no makeup. The third picture of an old man has a lot of emotion in his eyes. Everything about his expression is happy and satisfied, with wonder. The fourth portrait is inspiring in the same way as the first. It shows a unique culture and style that I don't get to see in my society.